About two weeks ago I wrote a post showcasing the intro for a new plot idea I'd come up with. It was an incredibly exciting moment because as a writer, there is nothing worse than not having a plot! However... things have changed a little bit.
The best piece of advice I've ever come across as a writer has been " learn who your character is like he/she is your best friend and let them tell their story through you". The problem I was having with my "new idea" was this: how can I get to know a person who's life is based off of "not existing"... especially when I have zero experience in this area???
I actually thought that it would be easier not having to be as accountable to the general public because they would know as little as I did. Turns out, I was completely wrong! As I poured over this again and again, trying to pull something from absolutely nothing, I simply became more and more frustrated at the lack of results.
Lucky for me however, I have a great voice in my life to offer direction. That voice happens to be my girlfriend Reina; who, while knowing absolutely nothing about military (but tons about pageants!), suggested I interview some military men. Being the man that I am (and realizing she made more sense than I did), I scoffed at the idea. "That's ridiculous. Those kind of guys can't talk to anyone, let alone some college, wanna-be writer." Turns out she actually had something going there...
Therefore, as much as I wish I could say this was my own brilliant brainchild, I must give most of the credit to Reina for planting the idea in my head.
I've switched gears and decided that instead of writing a fiction novel about the secret side of the military, I would culminate a plethora of honest, transparent stories and experiences from real-life military men and women. My goal here is to break the barrier of mystery between the American public and those who are protecting us.
In order to do so, I've begun the process of interviewing as many service men and women as I can get my hands on to get the biggest primary resource pool I can get my hands on. Only a handful of interviews in, I am becoming all too aware of the fact that I have NO clue where this is going! But on the other hand, I am learning more and more about the character(s) driving my story... or rather their stories. Many things still remain a mystery to me, mainly; how am I going to compile these hundreds of stories, experiences, emotions, and events into a coherent and presentable volume while retaining entertainment, but more importantly remaining connected to those giving me all of these gifts?!
My biggest fear with this project is not giving the respect and homage due to these brave men and women because already I am learning that I seriously underestimated their sacrifice...
I leave you hanging on the edge of your seats (because I know that's exactly where you are right now) waiting for more to come with one message.
In all of my interviews I ask the same question: As a military man/woman, what is one message you would like to give to the American public. The results are just as various as those answering the question but one message has reappeared again and again. Nothing, let me repeat NOTHING, is more meaningful than a firm handshake and an eye-to-eye "thank you" to these men and women. All of them are proud to be protecting their country and those of us lucky enough to be hear but it's still rewarding to hear that we appreciate their sacrifice. So please, I beg you, next time you see a service man or woman, shake their hand and tell them thank you. Whether you agree with the fact that we have a military presence over seas or not, these men and woman deserve our gratitude for serving our country.
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