It Had to be Done: New Years Resolutions

Well folks, as I sit here awake waaaaaaay too early on New Year's Day with my trusty cup of coffee I realize that to not post a Facebook/Twitter Status and/or blog about New Years and my New Year's Resolutions would simply be un-American.  So here you go Amurica.. this is for you!

2011... you were an interesting year to say the least. I'll admit that I grew more this year as a person, as myself, and as a member of the world than any year before this. I learned that things don't always go as planned.. and sometimes that's for the better. I learned to chill out a little bit and enjoy the little things.  Much like everyone else this year, I was forced to learn to do more with less.  Luckily for me it's kind of a fun game for me (minus the whole stress-thing...).  But I must admit, I'm pretty dang stoked for 2012.

I've got a few resolutions for this new year. Some big, some small, most somewhere in between.  The overall theme though is to get more from myself and my life in an enjoyable manner. I also want to give back and help others more in this new year.  As I start into my second half of my sophomore year at Eastern Washington University, I'm realizing that I'm not all that far away from life in the real world.  And that means I have some preparing to do! So, without further ado; my New Years Resolutions.

1. Live a healthier lifestyle.
Sometimes I forget that the days of being a three sport athlete or working 7 days on a farm are long gone.  So it's time to stop eating like I'm still making a living doing manual labor and trim back on the fatty foods and eat more green things.  I've also neglected the gym.  Or any other form of physical activity this year.  And my body definitely reflects it.  When I graduated high school I weighed in at a healthy 170-175lbs.  I'm now sitting around 195lbs.  How I got there? Wish I knew.  Well... in reality I do know; which is worse.  So 2012 will be a year of healthiness for me.  I'm hoping that less meat, more veggies and grains, all while staving off the pit of doom that is sugary snacks will finally get me back down to my fighting weight!

Yup... I was fit in this picture... that was taken a long time ago.

2.  Find ways to do more myself and save money.
Recently, I've found this blog turning more and more into a college/20-something DIY help blog as I'm doing more and more around my apartment to improve it and make it nicer.  A wonderful side-effect of this is three-fold.  First, my place is looking a lot nicer. Second, many times the things I do make the space or building itself more energy/space efficient. And finally, I'm saving tons of money doing it myself rather than paying someone to do it and often times I'm seeing savings on my power or utilities bill.  I'm hoping to expand this to some of my cooking having an herb garden and things of the like around the house all in attempt to lessen the frequency I go down the road to the Albertsons. No offense Albertsons.

3. Make the Dean's List all year.
The other day I got an email telling me that I got on the Dean's List for Fall Quarter.  Wasn't expecting it.  In fact, I'd forgotten that there was even such a thing as a Dean's List.  It did get me to thinking though.  I haven't decided whether or not I'll be going straight to Graduate School after I get my Bachelor's - life at that point will decide - but regardless I need to keep my options open and making Dean's List throughout my time at Eastern can't hurt right?

4. Write more quality work. 
It seems like I'm always berating myself because I'm not writing enough.  The problem with that is, the moment I start trying to pump out more pieces, my quality of writing goes way down.   So I'm hoping this year I'll do better at being satisfied with a few quality pieces rather than a ton of bits with crappy writing and terribly thought out blogs.
5. Start and maintain a big writing project.
Much along the same lines as above, this year I want to devote myself to a major project to work on throughout the entire year and hopefully beyond.  I miss having a huge project to work on and pushing myself to do better work in hopes that the project might actually go somewhere. I've talked a few times I think about researching military men and women and their opinions/experiences and seeing how those coincide with public's idea of the military life and it's members and I'm hoping to take that to the next level and really dig into interviews and research to see exactly where it takes me.

6. See my bank account grow!
The question on the tip of every American's tongue is where the economy is going in 2012. In 2011 it did a fat lot of nothing changing a whopping .0003% over the course of the year. Regardless of where the economy goes this year, my primary concern is preparing for my future.  Eventually I'll have a wedding to pay for, grad school, house payments, all that good stuff that comes with being an adult.  Therefore I'm hoping not only to see my bank account stay at a good amount, I want to see it grow.  I want to put more emphasis on saving rather than maintaining

7. Have fun!
actually important.), and work harder to simply enjoy the pleasure that life is.  I only hope that you all do the same!

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, my New Year's Resolutions for 2012! Wish me luck on sticking to them and feel free to comment and make sure that I am! I hope to have tons of good blogs for you this year and I hope to see more and more response from you:)

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