This guy... 'nuff said. |
But recently, he's discovered how much fun he has writing. Yeah *mind blown*. Writing can be fun.
I really wish that I could say the same but in all honesty, his text couldn't have come at a more perfect time in my writing life. Regretfully, I have been completely missing out on the fact writing was once fun for me.
A long time ago I decided to write a full-length fiction novel for my high school senior project because it sounded like fun. A year after I decided to do that I found myself looking back on the process. It sure felt like I'd grown a few gray hairs during the year, typed my fingers off, and read/re-read my eyes crossed but at the end of the project I'd had a lot of fun.
Now, a year after the completion of my novel and "revamping" my blog for a third time I'm realizing that writing hasn't been all that fun for me lately. I've been too preoccupied with writing something "worth reading" (a subjective phrase that is arguably impossible to define) and seeing the number labeled "views" rise.
In a single text message consisting of less than 140 characters Nathan Ehresman swooped in and reminded me why I got into writing in the first place.
For that, I am incredibly grateful. It seems silly to say but my lack of motivation and pleasure for writing has seriously affected my mood in other aspects of my life and that's incredibly frustrating. I'm glad that I finally figured it out because I was getting rather upset to say the least.
*Side-note* I feel that a shoutout to my girlfriend Reina is in order at this point. She has been amazingly patient and supportive of me as I've gone through my funk lately. She has never once gotten irritated at me and continued to push me towards the conclusion that I'd been thinking too much of my writing (a conclusion she'd gathered months ago) until I discovered it "on my own". God bless her and all the amazing things she does in my life. I'd be quite a mess without her. And just so she knows - I do appreciate her and I apologize for not reaching the conclusion she got loooong ago until now. *End side-note*So in order to try and do something new, fun, and exciting I asked Nathan if he'd be interested in co-authoring a few pieces with me. I have no clue what we'll write about or when but I do know that it will definitely be something new for me and new usually means fun!
Mr. Ehresman, thank you very much for your interest in co-authoring with me and helping me broaden my writing horizons. Here's to you brother!
Be looking for some awesome pieces by Nathan and I in the future. No clue on when or where they'll appear but they will eventually - that much I can assure you.
p.s. Check out Nathan's blog here. Check it out right now!!
p.p.s. Check out Reina's blog here. Check it out right now too!!
This sounds awesome! I'm excited to read what you guys put together. I know what you mean though, going into a writing funk. Typically that happens to me right after NaNoWriMo because I go crazy for a month and then just...stop. Evan and I were talking about how taking a step back from art/writing and looking at philosophy and other stuff helps us get back into the swing of things. Yes, I know, Evan and I talk about does work though! =D