Like most Americans, one of my New Year's Resolutions was to eat a little healthier and lost the extra weight I've packed on since high school graduation.  As a tool to help me out I got one of those nifty little Calorie Counter apps on my Kindle.  The idea is to keep myself accountable and do a better job of monitoring what I put in my body.

I put in a bunch of information; height, weight, age, gender... all that good stuff and it gave me a calorie allowance as well as some goals in regards to eating and exercise.

With my new-fangled tool in hand I headed down to Sonic to bring Reina some lunch at work.  I was hungry and didn't want to wait an hour or more until I got back home to eat so I searched the menu for something a little more on the healthy side.  I settled upon a Crispy Chicken Wrap and a Route 44 Cherry Limeade (I do like Cherry Limeades of course) figuring that it would be better than a Chili-Cheese Coney or a Cheeseburger and Soda.  Turns out I was wrong...

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This delicious looking wrap still has way less calories than a cheeseburger, but at a whopping 490 calories it's not exactly the healthiest food you can have for a lunchtime meal.  But that wasn't even the most shocking part.  I got the Cherry Limeade thinking to myself that while yeah.. it does have some soda in it, it can't be that bad.  Turns out those delicious chilled beverages cash in at an astounding 435 calories!Long story short, I was reminded today of something that I knew a long time ago (back when I was a three sport athlete and was all caught up on the latest nutritional trends...):  Very rarely can you find a truly healthy option at a fast food restaurant.  So from now on, it looks like I'll be making my own lunches to ensure that I actually eat something worth my time (and money!).

435 calories!

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