The Happiest of Announcements!

I have always said that I am a simple man, and I know that I am not one for extravagance so I figure I'll just come right out and say it: I am now happily engaged!

Some of you already knew of my plans.  For others this is most likely expected.  But for those who don't know me, or my beautiful bride to be let me fill you in:

I am blessed to have been dating the most wonderful woman in the world for some time now.  We were high school sweethearts - in a roundabout sort of way - and our story is definitely one for Hollywood. (If you ever want to hear the full story let me know and I'll be more than happy to bore you with the details all afternoon.) This week marked our two-year anniversary and luckily it happened to fall on our Spring Break, so Reina and I planned to celebrate by taking our annual trip to Seattle.  Little did she know that I had a few little surprises up my sleeves!

One of the tree-houses. More
pictures to come in their own blog!
I think she likes it (:

First of which, I decided to take her on a visit to the beautiful Treehouse Point in Issaquah.  She's been looking at it for months online and been bugging me to visit so I figured what better time than now?? It was absolutely stunning.  We spent the afternoon touring all the tree-houses, walking around in the forest, and sitting by the river taking tons of pictures.  We could easily see why so many people choose to have their weddings there. The place has an amazingly organic feel to it and happens to be a photographers dream! Without a doubt she wasn't the only one enjoying herself on that visit!

After a quick change, it was off to Anthony's in Olympia for our anniversary dinner. We ordered our drinks, an appetizer and waited at our gorgeous window-side table.  The waiter, a life-saver named Andy, dropped off our order and it was SHOWTIME! Reina says it went smooth, but I felt like a bumbling idiot... I attempted to make a small little speech that turned into a whole lot of "I love you's" and me pulling out the ring box.  I opened the lid and asked her to marry me.  Through a lot of happy tears she said "yes" and after a big hug and the restaurants cheering approval we were engaged!

She said "Yes"!!!!!
Just about that time Andy led our two families into the restaurant and to the table where I had made a second reservation.  I'm not exactly sure which of our mothers was more of a mess but after what seemed like an endless line of handshakes, hugs, and congratulations we found ourselves sitting down to a fantastic dinner as the beginnings of a single family.

I can't begin to explain how elated I am to be engaged to such a wonderful woman, but don't be expecting us to be knocking on the chapel doors tomorrow.  In all likelihood we will be having a rather extended engagement in order to accomplish a few of our life goals prior to saying "I do."  I for one am currently entertaining the idea of studying a broad for a year or so and definitely want to get my degree and have a stable job in order to support a wife.  Reina also is completely focused on getting her undergraduate degree as well as fulfilling her roles and responsibilities as a MAO representative to Miss Yakima County to the best of her abilities. Since the beginning of our relationship our senior year of high school we made promises to ourselves that we would get our educations no matter what, and that Reina would put as much into being an MAO representative as is humanly possible with myself standing right beside her in complete support.

Thank you so much for all of the well wishes we have already received!  The support of our friends and family in this adventure means more to the both of us than we could ever express; but that won't stop of from trying!

And here's for all you ladies out there wanting to see the ring! I think I did pretty darned good, if I do say so myself!


  1. I think this is so wonderful and yes romantic with those tree houses and all! Happy for the two of you!

  2. Thank you very much! We are - needless to say - so incredibly happy!
