The Unknown Terror... Tropes!

So, I've been on quite the writing streak today.  I procrastinated my big essay rough draft that was due today and was able to bang it out a few hours before class and now this beautiful gem of story-telling.  Upon walking into my English classroom my professor had a "free-write" prompt on the whiteboard.  It read as follows:
"Tropes.  Where are they?"
Tropes, in fact, are literary devices used to add a little spice to your writing (so they say, I for one am not entirely convinced that attempting to force them into your works will do anything other than make it seem unnatural - if they happen unintentionally however... I think they might have some merit).

The technical definition of a trope - in case you're wondering - is as follows:
"A figurative or metaphorical use of a word or expression."
-The Free Dictionary
How I chose to define tropes on the other hand differed greatly.  Not exactly sure what it was that got a hold of me - other than my smart-assness coming in force - that drove me to write this but I figured you might enjoy it none-the-less.  I offer a warning to the fact that it was a quick free-write with no editing so the grammar, spelling, and flow will most likely be atrocious.

Happy Readings:)

The funny thing about tropes is, they’re incredibly tiny.  Not microscopic.  That would just be ridiculous.  They are small enough however to be able to hide in the shadows.  Not to mention they’re incredibly adept at camoflauge techniques.  Frankly, the could be FRIGGIN' ANYWHERE! Did I mention they’re incredibly lethal? And they like to kill just for fun? Yeah… get real Amuuurrica, Tropes are the next deadly disaster waiting to happen.

These little buggers are somewhat akin in size to small children, yet they have the strength of a full-grown man.  They’re not human, not by a long shot.  They’re incredibly animalistic and have an insatiable hunger for human flesh.  They problem with these bastards is they’re incredibly smart and even more sneaky.  The way goes, if you ever see a trope… you’re a dead man.  There are only 3 confirmed cases of a person witnessing a trope in real life and surviving the experience alive.  One of those cases gives us the only known video footage of a trope in action.  That video is so horrific that it is not available to the public unless they sign a waiver acknowledging the graphic content of the experience.  Other than the video the second sighting resulting in a quick but shockingly clear picture of one of the creatures.  Hunched down, the humanoid figure is loping on all fours across the picture frame somehow oblivious to the cameraman.  While uncomfirmed, many believe the photographer to be famous trope hunter and expert Emmett James of Scotland – a place where tropes are said to be native to.

The third trope survivor is one of extreme luck and blessing.  The woman actually survived a trope attack only because a pack of wolves passing through the area of forest where she had been hiking and attacked came to her rescue.  While tropes have no natural born threat, a pack of wolves are the only known thing that poses any sort of threat to them.  It is unknown exactly why wolves have such an aversion to tropes but regardless.. always pray for wolves when hiking in wooded areas known to be a trope location.

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