Wrapping Up the Quarter - A Quick Update

Whelp.. it's about that time again.  I think we've got this week and next before Finals Week here at Eastern Washington University - a week that in itself is somewhat of a joke - and I for one couldn't be more happy!

What I'm Actually Like :(
Poor Reina....
What I Want to Be Like
When I registered for this quarter I was super stoked because I thought that I had picked out a bunch of interesting classes that would bring me a lot of new knowledge and enjoyment.  Southeast Asian History, International Politics, Eng. 201, and Latin Dance (okay, okay... this one I knew I'd struggle in. Something about being a white guy....).  Out of all of those classes that I thought I would enjoy, I think half of one brought me any new lessons and pleasure.

Asian History and International politics were surprisingly dry, but I guess I shouldn't have had my expectations so high for 100 and 200 level classes. Thankfully I'm pretty much done with those! WIN!  The only redeeming quality about the English class was the refreshing attitude of the professor, though I must admit some of her lesson plans included some rather redundant lectures and activities*, and the main focus of the entire class: a humungo argumentative essay over almost anything we wanted related to a social issue. I, being a future college professor, am writing on the effects on collegiate spending on academic quality.  Yah.. how do you like that big ole' can of worms?
*I think it's astounding the things that my English is forced to re-teach because the majority of my classmates simply did not get a basic and comprehensive English education in high school. This in itself is another can of worms that I'd love to get into.
Next quarter, thankfully will be a little bit better. I've worked my schedule so that I don't have school on Tuesday or Thursday and I'm done by noon on Friday. DOUBLE WIN!  I've also kind of re-worked my major so that I'm getting an English Education major with more or less a Creative Writing minor.  Still need to talk with my counselor to work out the details of this to be sure but either way it means I'm taking all English courses next quarter.  Most people would become violently ill upon hearing this news in their own schedule but I couldn't be more happy! All I'll be doing next quarter is reading and writing and that is about all I want to do for the rest of my life:)

In addition to school, my work pace at Forza Coffee has been picking up a lot! When I started I was getting 18-22hours a week which was okay but this last pay-period was 65 hours and change! That's awesome.  It means I'm exhausted more often than not but I truly enjoy my job... and the money's not bad either.

At the end of it all though, this quarter was alright.  Could have been better, but definitely could have been worse.  Plus, I've got a pretty awesome looking next quarter coming up and a lot of big events this spring.  Life dating a MAO pageant girl is definitely an exciting and busy one!



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