Upcoming DIYs!

Hey everyone! I know I've been really slacking on my DIY and money-saving tips/tricks, but it's been a pretty crazy start to the summer. Fear not however because I have not forgotten and I have a ton of fun things planned for the second half of summer!

Before I get to that though, I just have to give a HUGE shout-out to my fiancee who will be competing in the prestigious and awesome Miss Washington pageant in only 10 DAYS!!! No matter what happens I will be so incredibly proud of her (but between you and I, I think she's got a pretty stinkin' good chance!). So the next few days I'll be busy helping her prepare for all the festivities that start in a week. If you want to learn a little bit more about her or the organization in itself, you should definitely check out her blog. You can find that here.

Okay, thank you for humoring me. After I get back from the pageant in Renton (and even a little before that), the DIY projects will be in great abundance!! I'm taking this Friday-Sunday off and going to visit my grandparents/watch the pageant and I'll be spending almost an entire week working in my grandfathers shop doing this and that preparing for and even completing some of my up and coming projects. Needless to say, I'm pretty friggin' stoked!

Below are a few of the projects I want to do before school starts again in September. For those of you who simply cannot wait for me to do them and offer my own tips and tricks, most of the ideas come from Pinterest so cruise around on the to find these and many more projects to get started on!


I find myself always bringing home books - I think it's some sort of disease or something - and as a result, I am in desperate need of new bookshelves. As a writer/English Major I need to have a stylish and personalized library area and so I have decided to spruce up my bookshelves to add a little of myself to them. Super stoked for this one!

photo and idea come from overthemoon.com!


Ever since I was a little kid I've been fascinated with little trinket boxes. I was always saving up money and buying ones to put this and that in. I distinctly remember getting one with the stereotypical trashy wolf howling at the moon glossed on the cover. This and my recent interest in the casual cigar experience has led me to finally getting around to building my own. I hear these can be kind of tricky in terms of getting them all nice and square... but hey, that's what makes it personal right?? Sure hope so... 

eventually i hope to make one this intricate, but mine first one
will probably be much more simple


This one is probably going to be my biggest project of the summer, and is definitely the one I am looking forward to the most. As always with apartment living, I am hard-pressed for storage space and frankly my bedroom is a little unorganized. I like cool looking beds and this would definitely make my bedroom more trendy and efficient. This will probably end up taking me a weekend or two, which means I might be sleeping on the floor for a week or so (motivation to get it done I guess!).

more bookshelves! thank you pinterest.. and whoever pinned this first!


One of the biggest problems every kitchen - no matter how big or small - faces is how to store your pots and pans. They take up an obnoxious amount of space and no matter what, there doesn't seem to be any good place to store them. Until now that is... Reina has a pageant friend who's brother is incredibly awesome at home decorating apparently and I'm and going to shamelessly steal his idea. The picture below is the closest I could come to finding what it'll be like. He basically took a really sturdy tree branch and hung it from the ceiling in his kitchen area and hung pots and pans from it making it an incredibly good lucking and effective way to store your pots and pans!

sorry this isn't exactly what i'm going to do.. but it's close enough to get the picture
There will probably be a few more little ones here and there, and hopefully a few money-saving tips and tricks as well but these are my major projects for the summer. If you have any ideas or requests for projects that you would like to see me try, definitely leave a comment below and I'll see if we can make it happen!

Cheers everyone, 

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