The Final Countdown

Well, up to this point I've been fairly with my adventures into the world of Instant Netflix, but sadly that has come to an end. And as if seeing my win streak come to an end wasn't bad enough, it had to come at the hands of the worst kind of movie. You know those movies where you keep watching because you think the end might redeem the entire movie... and then it doesn't? That is exactly what kind of movie The Final Countdown was.

Made in 1980 and staring Kirk Douglas and Martin Sheen (those names were the reason I watched the movie), The Final Countdown tells the story of the U.S.S. Nimitz as it time travels back to December 7, 1941. The idea was that with the Nimitz's modern day firepower the would be able to prevent Pearl Harbor from happening again, and the entire movie it seems like it will do just that - which would be kind of bad ass if you ask me. The shoot down a couple Japanese Zeros, take some prisoners, rescue a Senator, and even launch a strike force to intercept the Japanese Zeros as they approach Pearl Harbor.

SPOILER ALERT: This movie isn't worth watching and I'm going to straight up tell you why. Right as the Japanese planes come into sight of the high-powered, loaded for bear American strike force.... the storm that brought the Nimitz to the 40s appears again and the Captain recalls the fighters and they come back to the present. End of story.

I'm not even that upset that they turned back. It's that at the end of the movie, I ended up right where I started having gained absolutely nothing. They have one little attempt at the very end when they bring back a guy the Nimitz left behind on an island and now he's all old and stuff, but it was a weak attempt to save a movie that was past saving.

So for the first time ever, I'm steering you away from an Instant Netflix movie - unless you happen to like wasting 2 hours of your life and getting nothing in return... I knew that it would happen eventually, but with my long string of success, I'm feeling somewhat bitter about the inevitable. In order to make myself feel better I'm immediately going back to Netflix and try and watch something redeeming.

Hope you guys are having a great start to your summer!

Official Rating: 4.5/10 (some props for the beginnings of a cool idea - but then wimping out at the very end)

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